About Us

We call our website Psyentific Mind because our goal is to apply technology and behavioral science to real-world problems. Based on his scientific scholarship and the concomitant development of technology, Dom Massaro co-founded Fluent Speech, which developed multimodal speech technology, and was acquired by Sensory Inc. He also co-founded Animated Speech Corporation, which developed successful products for language learning for language challenged children such as those with hearing loss and autism. Some of the commercial products of these companies were based on Dom’s scholarship, research, and technological development. Dom has researched both reading and speech perception for four decades, and has advanced these fields empirically, theoretically, and technologically. Dom Received a patent in 2015 on a Method And System For Acquisition Of Literacy, and is currently leading a research team on technology based reading acquisition (TARA). An active application is the Mobile Understand My World on both iOS and Android.

Dom also created and patented a design of an educational clock for children learning how to tell analog time. Children make errors in attempting to learn to read a traditional clock. Using guidelines from the perspective of cognitive psychology and his own research, he modified the traditional clock to eliminate these common mistakes. This Kid Klok has been fairly popular and has been embraced by a variety of educators, including Montessori teachers.

In researching for the patent on Kid Klok, he uncovered some engaging factoids about time and wanted to engage children with them. His first book, Time to Learn About Time, in collaboration with Don Rothman and Bill Rowe, was published and a second book, Puzzles of Time: A Handbook for the New Millenium, has also been published. More information about Dom can be found at his UCSC website.